Emotional wellness facilitator training

Emotional wellness is a human birthright.

Our facilitator training

The Emotional Wellness facilitator training and certification is offered to any NGO anywhere in the world through our partnership with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA). You can learn more about the IEATA CWSI program here.

The aim of this training is to promote the healing power of the expressive arts globally, especially where mental health services are unavailable or inaccessible to the majority of the population. We offer this training at no cost. This is our mission because we believe that every child, youth and adult should have an opportunity for healing through free expression and nonjudgmental witnessing - two very basic human rights! 

Based on healing traditions, the expressive arts, positive psychology, and neuroscience advances, the workshops promote the creation and holding of safe spaces to help participants express freely and begin the process of healing. The training design allows participants to first experience the workshops, then co-facilitate workshops with the training group, and finally practice their facilitation with support from the group and the trainers. 

Training details

All workshops are conducted in English. Participants need to be fluent in English.

Online workshops are conducted using Zoom. Participants need to have broadband access and a suitable device (laptop, tablet or smartphone) to access the workshops.

If the workshops are conducted in a group setting (such as in a conference room), then a single access point (a single laptop with a projector/screen) is sufficient. In such a setting, students will need to be able to gather in sub-groups for breakouts during the workshop. 

Training phases


This phase consists of 5 weekly workshops where the participants experience the workshop process. The design of these workshops is exactly what the participants would be conducting with their NGO clients.


At the end of Phase 1 all participants who graduate to phase 2 are provided a trainer’s manual (A Creative Pause Facilitators Manual) which they will use to conduct a workshop attended by their cohort and the trainers. 


Once the participants complete phases 1 & 2, they are now able to conduct workshops based on the core workshop design they have experienced and conducted with their cohorts. They can conduct these workshops for clients of the non-profit that they work for, at no cost to the clients.