Care for caregivers workshops

Societies function and improve through the hard work of caregivers in our communities. Whether they are teachers, nurses, non-profit staff & volunteers, or social workers they all face challenging and heart wrenching situations daily. This leads to compassion fatigue and burnout. Our program intends to provide caring, healing, recharging to our caregivers so they can continue their vital service to our communities.

Our workshops

Our caregivers work from the heart and their work is never done. Whether they are working with the unhoused (homeless), the displaced (refugees), the incarcerated (prisoners), or the terminally ill (hospice), they work in the some of the most difficult and taxing environments and with clients who are going through some of the roughest patches in their lives. They need to show up every day and be there for their clients, irrespective of their own challenges and personal situations. They provide care, but who provides care for them?

We are building a community of healers who are contributing their special skills to provide our caregivers with some much-needed care, some “me time”, some “R&R”, some healing.

What do the workshops look like?

We follow a neuroscience-informed expressive arts multi-modal process, enriched with centuries of wisdom traditions reflected in movements we have borrowed from many cultures globally. Participants always have many choices through the process. Everything is invitational, and participants can decide how much they want to participate.

We will have themes for each workshop and we will repeat these themes often. The workshops will give participants the opportunity to do some art, to journal, to stretch and relax, to reflect, to drum and move. To just be.


When are the workshops?

We offer workshops weekly. However we would work with your team to schedule these workshops to suit our mutual convenience.

Who can participate?

Any one in the caring profession including healthcare workers, teachers, Sstaff and volunteers who are working in non-profit organizations (NGOs) whose clients are underprivileged or those going through stressful situations are welcome to sign up for these respite care sessions.

How do I reserve my spot?

Please fill out the form above to let us know if your interest and we will contact you to determine availability, timing and location.

What are the materials and cost of attending?

Basic art supplies are desired. Any musical instrument you play is also welcome. There is no cost to participate. Participants are welcome to donate to the social action fund at where we are board members. The Social Action fund is used to offer similar programs to the underprivileged internationally.

Is this a political or religious group?

No. The Creative Pause Caregivers workshops are non-political and non-religious and have no affiliations to any cause other than healing and emotional wellness through multi-modal expression and non-judgmental witnessing.